Understanding and planning for future climate change requires access to trusted information and tools. But climate projections and their associated products are complex. We’ve developed guidance to help users understand the context and appropriate use of the data produced by the NARCliM project.
NARCliM videos
Building on and expanding the NARCliM case study research, a suite of videos were developed showcasing NSW Government's commitment to research, information, and action on climate change.
NARCliM infographics
To increase understanding and the reach of NARCliM research and development, a series of infographics were developed covering core topics including:
NARCliM2.0 fact sheets
Released in 2024, these regional climate change snapshots were created from NARCliM2.0 data. For the information on the region and adaptation opportunities, visit the My region page.
Previous NARCliM products
NARCliM is an iterative project, releasing new generations of regional climate data as the science advances and new climate models become available. Some NARCliM informed products, including the information on the AdaptNSW website, are updated when the latest generation of NARCliM data is released.
You can access the following archived information which is based on previous generations of NARCliM.
Developed in 2014, these regional climate change snapshots were created from the first generation of NARCliM data (NARCliM1.0). These snapshots were published on the AdaptNSW website until 2024, when they were replaced by updated snapshots based on NARCliM2.0. For the most recent snapshots, visit the My region page.
Can’t find what you need?
Through the NSW Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, the NSW Government is committed to ensuring that its climate data and information products delivered through the NARCliM project are easily accessible to the range of end-users.
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